Oh yeah, I am going to start ballet and musical theater this year. ( I took hiphop and jazz and tap last year, so I'm adding more classes ) You probably don't care, but oh well...
I'm so excited for school to start again, I really want to see my BFF again! I also want to be WAYY more organized and show way more organization skills. :)
Well, I think that's all I wanna say.. and I will stop boring you to death now! Oh, and I changed the background if you haven't noticed. Do you like it?
MY DAY 1-1-13
MY DAY 1-1-13
My Day : When I woke up, I was amazed looking at the date and being, "Today's January 1st, 2013." Currently, today has been pretty normal, ate breakfast - Mmm Noodles! Electronics.. And I ate a little lunch, out of the fridge. Then basically I just watched T.V. and played with computers. I forgot to mention, today around a half hour ago my brother's friends came over. I felt so awkward.. Especially since I was still in my pajamas. 0_0 I still am by the way. Then, you guessed it. More electronics! And here I am. Super. Bored. So.. Today has been a totally unproductive day..
OMG you have blogger. Me to PS (miss dork on DD)