Today I am going to start a new column on my blog, and I am going to have you guys ask me questions and I'll answer them. You can ask me by commenting down below, or if it's personal, you can email me at and if it's really personal, you can always do anonymous screen name.
Anyways, today I am going to answer :
What should I do when I'm called ugly? The " popular " girls and the " cool " kids call me ugly constantly and I get offended really easily, what should I do about them calling me ugly? I'm sick of it. - Ugly
Dear Ugly,
First of all, after you're being called ugly, don't react. Don't cry or be sad in front of them, I mean, all bullies want is to get a reaction. That's what they like. If you're like, " Whatever.. " they'll most likely back off and make it seem not as fun to torture you. Sometimes when people say I'm so short, ( As in a bad way ) I kind of get sick of it and annoyed, but then, I say, " Well, thanks. " So.. My point is to - A. ) Don't React & B. ) Say " Thanks " or something like that.
If those suggestions do not work, one day. One day, you can stick up for yourself and say, " Well, what happened in your childhood? How did you get so ruined? Seriously. Calling someone ugly, fat, or anything negative? I suggest you look at yourself and HEAR what you're saying, unless you're deaf. Please excuse me as I return to what I am doing. "
If you're really shy and you just cannot stick up for yourself, look at yourself in the mirror. Are you ugly? Are you? No. You're beautiful. You're beautiful....... Don't let anyone tell you you have flaws, they just might be jealous and the ugly ones themselves..
- Love, Megsterz
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