Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year Resolutions?!

Aha, it's a new year and people usually make New Year resolutions to see if they made it true the following year. (And most don't follow it.. haha, me.)  Well.. I will be sharing MY New Year Resolutions with you guys!!!!

  • Sleep earlier - I'm really bad this year with my sleeping habits, I should go to bed at 9, but I go to bed at 10-11 and it's all computer's fault!
  • This isn't for the whole year or anything, but I just want to roll up in a blanket and yell.. IMA BURRITOOOOO!
  • Gain more pounds. For most people it's vice versa, but I'm actually pretty light compared to people my age group, so I want to gain a bit more pounds.
  • Keep up my grade average. I don't want to tell you what my grade average is, because it's a bit personal, and I don't want you to think, Oh I'm so dumb if I have bad grades or I'm such a braggart if I have good grades. 
  • Feel more confident with my looks. I don't know if this happens to you, but sometime in this year, I felt so ugly and alone, and it felt horrible. So I want to be more self confident. 
  • Not be such a crybaby... I admit it, I'm really sensible, and I HATE criticism. I want to change that about me. 
  • Have a way more clean closet. I'm a neat freak, so I like my closet to be color coded, and be organized in sections ( shirts, pants, jackets )
  • Avoid procrastination.. I noticed that a LOT in me, so I really want to do ______ first and not procrastinate. This happens especially with homework..
Well, that was pretty much my New Year resolutions, and if you liked it, comment and tell me YOUR New Year Resolutions either in the comment below or make a blog post if you have a blog on blogger about your new year resolutions.


  1. Yeah whenever I arrange my clothes after one week its like.. all messed up. o-o
    IKR! Once upon a time I used to go to bed, until I discovered the net. xDD

  2. Yeah whenever I arrange my clothes after one week its like.. all messed up. o-o
    IKR! Once upon a time I used to go to bed, until I discovered the net. xDD


Thanks so much for commenting! Love Yew!! ~~ Megan <3 RAWR, ME A MONSTER.